tALES OF GOLD OF MANAG-AS part 1 A novel
Dambuhala although she is big and large but she is weak while Miss Liberty in a story is voloptous and strong
Miss Liberty iS voloptousANDs astrong woman
zzZZZZZZ NGORK THATS HOW dAMBUHALA SLEPT AT NIGHT AND SNORES Worse somtimes the sound is like an incoming missile then It esplodes weweweww Krssst Boom ACCORDING TO DAMBUHALA SEEMS SHE WAS MISS LIBERTY IN A WAR OF PARIS
tHE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN DAMBUHALA AND lIBERTYwhile Dambuhala is chubby and and weak .. Liberty is Voloptous and strong
Zzzzzzz ngorkk Krrzzkkkk Ssspprrttt Blag Blam seems the world was destroyed
Huh| what was that? Go back to sleep Rey tesay ang Dambuhala is just snoring while sleeping Madam Corina said
What are you dreaming of? I asked Dambuhala wheen she was awakened
YeS mAAM i SAID and i went back to sleep Dambuhala is called dambuhala because she is really enor mousvery big woman and extra large her weight at 90 kilos waistline 50 who is very opposite to her manager
Madam Corina although an aged woman 56 years old but Madam Corina is a beautiful woman and sexy kind chinita
Madam Corina explained to us how her personal assistant sleeps at night
......................................... to be continued
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